When using the simmering basket it should always be in the position shown here when you start: the hole where your spatula goes should be where the handle of the bowl is.
Note: the basket will move a little bit from this spot during cooking time, this is normal. This is due to the water in the bottom of the bowl when spinning in the bowl, moves the basket around. This movement is much more pronounced with a higher speed than speed 4. So as long as you do not have your speed higher than speed 4 and that you commence cooking with the basket in the correct position it will be ok. :)
If the basket is put in the bowl in an incorrect location it may cause the blades to hit the bottom feet on the basket particularly if the food in the basket is heavy.
Here is a quick video example of what the Thermomix sounds like when the blades are hitting the 'feet' of the basket. Click Here to see video. If this happens stop the machine, reset the basket in the correct position and ensure the speed is not above 4. If it continues to happen you may need to have your simmering basket replaced.
When the simmering basket is in place, it is NOT recommended that the Thermomix be operated above speed 4. Some do this when milling a small amount of grains or spices (to prevent them flying around as much within the TM bowl) - please do not do this as it is not recommended by Thermomix Australia service department.
Some ideas on what to cook in your simmering basket
• Chicken – steam for salad
• Corned Beef
• Eggs
• Meatballs
• Mince
• Potatoes
• Quinoa
• Prawns – steam in basket for last 5 mins of cooking sauce
• Rice
• Rolled Roast
• Sausages
• Stock
• Vegetables – steam for approx. 1 person
Practical uses outside of cooking
• Use in place of MC to stop spitting when making jam or anything that may spit
• Use as a ‘bin’ while preparing vegetables (the Varoma can also be used in this case if you have a large amount of vegetables to prepare
• Strain lemonade
• Use as a colander when washing fruit like cherries or grapes (again the Varoma can be used in this instance if you have a large amount to wash)
• Squeeze the buttermilk out of your butter
• Steaming corn on the cobs while steaming vegetables & meat in the varoma
• Draining tomatoes when making ketchup or tomato sauce
• Strain orange juice for fussy kids
• Rinsing pulses/legumes
• Use it when prepping and place either on top or in TM to weigh ingredients
• Use the basket lined with a floured tea towel – as a ‘bread proofing basket’ great for wheat-rye-sourdough
• When pouring cocktails, insert the basket into the bowl (hold basket with your thumb to stop ice cubes being poured out as well).
Any more ideas?
If you use your simmering basket for any other uses - please comment below we'd love to hear and I'm sure there are more to add! :)
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Tori says
Great ideas!
I also use it when squeezing lemon or lime juice into a recipe - insert basket, tare scales, then squeeze fresh juice into the bowl. The basket catches the pips on the way in. Easy! I squeeze in maybe 5g more juice than needed to account for the weight of the pips.
thermofun says
That's a great idea Tori with squeezing of fruit to catch the pips! Thanks for sharing! :)