I got thinking today about my journey with my Thermomix and how it has changed my life. How from cooking out of a jar and packet was an effort to cooking from "scratch" and enjoying it.
It also got me thinking about the "divide" between Thermomixers of "I love my Thermomix" to "I don't really use it."
I just wanted to do a little community service announcement really – if you love your Thermomix GREAT, if you don't really use it – THAT'S OKAY!
You don't have to love your machine to the point of cooking 15 recipes a day to see value in having it or feeling proud of what you have cooked. I love my machine but I don't cook 15 recipes a day, somedays I use it once, and THAT'S OKAY!
Please don't use what someone else does with their Thermomix as a yard stick for whether you’re a super mum, wife, daughter, aunty or whatever …
You have your machine and you use it as much or as little as you like. If someone inspires you to get in the kitchen and cook that's awesome … but please don't use what ever someone else does as being a gauge of what type of person they or you are!
Everyone has their own lives to live… please don't compare yourself to others… Enjoy what you do with your life… You only have one and I don't want you spending it comparing or gauging your worth around what everyone else is or isn't doing with their Thermomix …
Ultimately, whether you use your Thermomix heaps or only a little, just enjoy the cooking! :)
For more great tips and recipes on using your thermomix join our free monthly newsletter here: ThermoFun Newsletter Subscription.
Click Here for more great recipes in a number of e-cookbooks – containing recipes to suit everyone.
Robyn says
Great advice! There are plenty of appliances in my home that I don't use every day and some have cost more than my Thermomix and some have not! It's so true that we shouldn't compare what we make or how many times a day we use it with others. Is Thermo shaming the new body shaming....?
Linda says
Great post Leonie !!!
thermofun says
Thank you Linda :)
Kellie says
I have had my Thermie for 5 years and still use it most days. Whether it is a sneaky breakfast smoothie, eggs on toast, rice to go with dinner, spaghetti bol or vegies for dinner!! It never is under used in our house. We love to do baking on the weekends too?
kal20m says
Great post Leonie - and so very true !!!
Jenny says
Well said Leonie. N a fitting night for me to read this, as I lay here with a sore mouth again (cant wait for these braces to come off every dentist trip feels like torture ) n yes left hubby n kids to fend for themselves, 2 min noodles it is then, while I had a protein shake, in my other blender.
thermofun says
oh Jenny you poor sausage. :(
I hope you can get the braces off very soon! :)
Cat says
A great post. I've had my Thermie for almost a year now. I use it all the time for my breakfast smoothie, but there can be weeks when that's all I use it for. Then every so often I'll get a burst of energy and try something and it gets added into my 'tried so don't have to think about it again' menu selection. I've stopped beating myself up - I'm going to have it for a long time and those recipes will still be there!
thermofun says
Good on you Cat - great attitude! :)
Diane says
there are weeks where I may use my Thermomix once or twice and others I might use it most days. What my thermomix has given me is a passion for cooking again!!! I love this post, no-one needs to compare with anyone else as long as they are happy
Sam says
Thanks for this, I'm actually waiting for my first Thermie to arrive and am so excited to start making things from scratch but also worried that I may not use it enough! Have to say the recipes I am seeing from you guys and others on my facebook feed are looking great, can't wait to try them out!
Joanne says
i think the name says it all thermofun, just have fun with Thermie no matter when or how many time you use it., mine can sit idle for a few days and then be crying for a rest on others.
I am loving this challenge week to get my family to try something new
Denise says
Love my Thermomix but don't feel the need to prove myself by using it every day or even for everything. I am currently recouperating from an operation so will find it easier to cook pasta, rice and mashed potatoes to go with all the meals I have frozen. But that is is for the moment. The other half will need to bu bread rolls and the odd biscuit if he wants them.
Dee says
I use mine a lot but there are definitely days I let everyone fend for themselves and Im ok with that... My kids are competent enough to turn out spaghetti or burritos or *OMG* 2 minute noodles. I laughed though when my 14yo son admitted to making and then eating a full 1lt batch of chocolate custard yesterday for his dinner (bad mum!)
thermofun says
lol! Dee I think many of us (myself included) are guilty of days like that as mothers!! :)
Linda says
I so needed to hear this, it's so true, I don't use Thermomix every day, but as mentioned above, when I do the food is great and nutritional.. Thank you for the post thermofun.
Sarah says
This can so be used in most areas of life. We forget that we are enough just as we are and start berating ourselves when we measure ourselves against other people and let's face it, mostly what we see/hear of those people is just a snapshot, not their whole lives. I love my thermomix but there are days when I just don't feel like cooking at all, so it's off to get a curry or pizza those days. It's okay to do that.
Thanks for a wonderful blog.
thermofun says
Thanks for your comment Sarah, I agree it should be used in most areas!
Melissa says
Great post :) I agree completely. I must admit I only use mine a few times a week, but when I do, it's awesome! I have been told I should use it more... but that's not going to happen right now. I'm enjoying the cooking when I do use it.
thermofun says
Good on you Melissa! Enjoy the cooking when you can!!!!