On my ThermoFun facebook page I asked this question of:“What one design feature would you consider if redesigning your kitchen as an owner of a Thermomix?”
Mary: another 'mini' exhaust fan under a wall mounted cupboard for thermi.
Clair: Being a little on the vertically challenged size, a piece of bench space that was recessed lower to accommodate my Thermomix with a utility drawer for the servers, utensils, etc. And of course, its own power point.
Erin: Butler’s pantry. Walk-in pantry with bench, power points, single sink & dishwasher. All bench top appliances would live in there.
Nadia: I would have a recess behind the bench where it sits with a sliding or roller door, power point in the recess. That way when I wasn't using it my bench would still be clean and clear. Love my thermo but hate that it sits on the bench all the time.
Kel: A much bigger pantry and huge spice rack for all the whole foods and spices you now buy.
Jenny: A special cupboard for thermie with a non-slip base so it can't 'walk' around, a timer switch so it switches off and doesn't beep and a bit of sound proofing for when I'm milling chickpeas etc. A pantry above for all my nuts and seeds and below for my thermoserver and cookbooks.
Pauline: you know how people can open a door and the toaster, kettle are behind the small roller, one of them on the other side for thermy. with drawers for my thermoservers and spatulas and an open shelf above to show off my cook books :)
Claire: I have a butler’s pantry. Thermie lives there. It's gold. Right next to a big sink (it's a 45L laundry tub) where it's easy to clean and right by the food ingredients. Still working on my husband installing an exhaust fan in there. That's the only thing I forgot. He'll get to it. One day!
Janelle: I'd put in a roller door/ appliance cupboard just for thermo with a board across front to stop thermo jumping off bench when kneading :)
Caroline: Lowered area near exhaust fan for Thermie with guard rail in front to catch her when she wanders! My kitchen has power points all over and all 12 in use!
Rebecca: We are redoing our kitchen and Martha is going to have centre stage on the bench. Getting a walk in butler’s pantry as I mill lots of flours/sugars now my pantry is too small and getting a stand up only freezer put in there for all the meals I make in advance as our fridge/freezer doesn’t have the room. A bigger Tupperware drawer so I have lots of variety to stock my meals in when needed. Cant wait!
Paula: Already tweaked kitchen, hubbie installed a new workbench/breakfast bar. Bought a workbench top from Ikea to match existing work tops, got two thick metal legs and built a frame, all secured and silicone and put a mobile set of drawers under it at one side with a floating shelf above it - voila baby/thermo workstation. Love my husband!
Fiona: Exhaust fan and splash back just for Thermie!
Clare: A bigger fridge and freezer :-)
Kelly: A lower bench for kitty to sit on whilst in use, with a roller door cupboard (I'm a little short) more bench space, a massive walk in pantry and a big walk in utilities pantry for all of my electrical goods. A roller door cupboard for the microwave and coffee maker to sit behind. Above head cupboards and a range hood. And drawers not cupboards.
Jaclyn: I am doing my kitchen in a few weeks and I am having huge pantry, and huge island bench with a bigger fridge.
Meredith: Smaller stove top... But I love my fish burner, so I'd want a fish burner, a wok burner that can also be used as a flat burner and a small burner... Don't know if they make stove tops like that :(
Amber: Power points positioning and bench space.
Rochelle: I have a butler’s pantry and all my appliances EXCEPT my thermi live in there. It's the only thing on my actual kitchen bench, (with an ipad/recipe stand next to it).
Mandy: Wider benches so that the steam didn't hit the bottom of my wall cupboards.
Helen: a deeper sink with hose spout, more power points, more bench space, a wall of food storage options - fridge freezer pantry.
Vancy: one of those see through cases that they use on the blenders at boost juice to muffle the noise.
Bethwyn: Probably more what I wouldn't have = no cook top. Haven't used it since Thermie moved in.
Sue: Lower bench under exhaust fan. Space on either side. Drawers under.
Amy: Bigger bench and more power points.
Stacey: Definitely bigger pantry and fridge. And definitely an island bench.
Juliette: Yep like above a rolling door with cupboard behind for thermie and kettle toaster etc.
Karen: Butler’s pantry for food and appliances - great machine but too noisy!
If you have any more ideas please add them to the comments below.
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Sasha says
I have an induction cooktop, which still gets used, but having the flat surface under the rangehood means that for extended cooking sessions, the Thermomix can sit on the cooktop and the steam in the kitchen is no longer an issue.
In my next kitchen, a larger walk-in pantry including benchtop for the Thermomix with its own power point, exhaust fan and drawers for accessories, and also a much larger freezer!
thermofun says
Thankyou for your comments Sasha. I love the sound of your next kitchen too!! :)
Aileen says
I live in a rented house so have to improvise as best as I can. I have removed all gas fittings from my gas stove and positioned a board over the top of the stove. My TM5 sits comfortably on the board and I am able to utilise the exhaust fan above the stove. Works well.