On my ThermoFun face book page, a liker asked the question below.
"Hi there, I am trying to decide if a Thermomix is worth the amount of money it costs. I love the idea of having one and all it can do, but am scared once I get it I won't use it as I won't be used to it or worse still hubby thinks it will just be a fad!
Why do you love your thermie? And is it worth it?"
My face book page was so inundated with replies singing the praises of owning a Thermomix that I wanted to compile all the replies so then I’d have somewhere to direct people next time I am asked this very common question! :)
ThermoFun: I'm sure many likers on ThermoFun will convince you that you have to have one!
I LOVE my Thermie more than my kids (well that’s what they reckon!!) ;) and I would even pay WAY more for it now - now that I know the way it has changed my life, my health, given me a passion for cooking, saves me time, cooking things that I would never have even dreamt of cooking before Thermomix,..... oh boy I could go on and on and on...
but I will let other ThermoFunkies share their answers too! :)
Steve C:
I'm Mr Thermofun! Page subscribers may find this hard to believe but before we had a Thermie, Mrs Thermofun hated cooking, and most of what we ate came out of a jar or a packet. The difference in the pantry is extraordinary. Where there was jar upon jar of "Chicken Tonight" or Maggi Instant something, now there's container upon container of raw ingredients. I was dead against the Thermie and swore it would be a waste of money. Well I could not have been more wrong! The variety and quality of what we eat changed virtually overnight. Without Thermie, I can't cook at all! But cooking with Thermie is like colouring by numbers, just follow the instructions - even I can do it! Leonie had no plans to be a consultant at all when she got the machine, but it changed her so much she wants to make sure everyone has the same opportunity.
Liz F: We love ours. DH was working interstate when I first bought it so hadn't seen a demo. Once we moved I then had a second demo to refresh my memory and he was hooked. He used it every night for three weeks, and then spent weekends making bread, cakes and biscuits. I haven't cooked anything for four weeks now....worth the money? HELL YES.
Kim Q: OMG!!! Where do I start? I'm a single mother of two boys so outlaying almost $2000 was very scary. I bought mine on the interest free offer over twelve months. THE BEST MONEY I HAVE EVER SPENT. I have told my older son that if there is a fire you grab your brother and I'll grab the Thermie. I lose count how many times I use it over the week. We eat pure, wholesome meals from scratch. I make everything now from BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, yoghurt, ice cream. We are gluten free and having thermie makes that soooo easy. Best money eveeerrrr spent!!! When I first got it I panicked thinking 'aahhh I've spent so much money, what if I never use it! hahahahaha. What a joke. It screams for a day off!!!!
Bernadette V: I vowed that I was never going to buy one when my best friend became a consultant. I didn't even have a demo to help her out. 5 years later I got a machine. Another year after that I became a consultant..... I love it and couldn't imagine life without one...... And you will love it too.
Helen S: I am 50 years old and have never purchased anything else in my life I value as much as this. Never. Life-changing!
Asia B: Totally amazing! No looking back, my man also was sceptical and went along to a cooking class, no looking back! Feeling amazing, already saving money not to mention investing in health
Lindy M: I am doing the 14 day challenge, to make sure I use my Thermomix all the time. Sometimes difficult as I am cooking for 1. Have noticed I am eating a much more healthy diet now
Miranda W: Yep we love ours too. My hubby had the same thoughts but I have used it pretty much every day since I got it 6 months ago. It ran all day today. I'd pay more for one too.
Gill L: you will cook healthy meals if you really want to. The beauty of it is that you won't want take away anymore because you are too eager to try the next excellent recipe you found! There's not enough time to cook all these fabulous ideas that you find on sites like this one! You will never regret it, we are a family of 6 and it was the best investment we made. Our kids eat much healthier now. No more packaged food/jars. All from scratch and done so quickly.
Fiona M: It has also changed our life. I can now comfortably find time to try things I would never have dreamt of. It saves me money too. I have had mine for six months and my weekly food bill is easily cut by ⅓.
Rose B: I've had mine for four months and use at least twice a day and usually three on weekends. I cook so many things I wouldn't have previously. We have a child with food intolerances so need to cook a lot of our own things but I cook everyday stuff like rice, steamed veggies, porridge, perfect boiled eggs, smoothies, pancakes, bolognaise, dicing and sautéing onions, soups and today made my first mud cake with chocolate ganache frosting, something that took ages before was so simple. My oven cost the same amount of money and doesn't get nearly as much use.
Kylie Gu: I use mine every day and almost had it a year. Take the plunge, you won't regret it. My almost 11 year old daughter told me the other day that when her and her 2 brothers move out I have to buy them one each........ they all help with the cooking in the Thermomix.
Kerri-Ann S: I have had mine 2 months and use it several times a day. I use it to make basic additive free food that the family enjoy as well as venturing into what would be tricker and time consuming meals without a Thermie. Get one!! It will pay for itself as you cook from scratch and don't buy all the crap from the supermarket.
I love it so much I am about to become a consultant so I can share this amazing kitchen appliance with everyone.
John D: I'm telling you, you will not regret buying one I do everything with mine and the dishes that I make are just exquisite. I could almost say that they out do some of the finest restaurants. It’s an amazing machine.
Joanne N: I am single so spending this money seemed crazy. But it is worth it for the time saving alone. My time is worth a lot and maintaining a house on my own when I work full time is great. Then there is the benefit of being able to cook things from scratch easily so no preservatives and crap from the packets.
Edwina M: I debated buying one for over 2 years and could never justify the price. My parents ended up buying us one as a gift, that was over 8 months ago and we have used it almost every day, even taken it away with us. If for some reason we didn't have this one anymore, I'd pay well over the RRP to get another!!
Christine P: It pays for itself in the long run with the money you will save on readymade stuff at the grocery store and bakery. I bought mine on an 18 month plan so it doesn't hit you as hard. Once you have it, drive right in, have fun and you will snicker at the fact that you ever even had any doubts. We all did before we joined the TM cult!
Susan B: I have had mine for three weeks and haven't used it for three nights in those three weeks and that was because we were away! I don't really like nor enjoy cooking but it makes it so easy. You need to make sure you keep it on the bench handy though as I could see people not using it as much if they had to take it out from somewhere every time.
Denise W: I think we have these thoughts until it arrives. Then it does change our lives, making us better cooks than we have ever been. It also gives you the confidence to make different things, yogurt, curry pastes, chutneys. I could go on forever.......... Even after 4 years my husband says it’s the best item we have ever purchased.
Rose W: I love it so much, I am about to become a consultant at 53 years old, it’s just the best thing ever!
Marie H: Took me 9 months to take the plunge. Would not be without it. It even comes on holiday with us. A friend’s husband was going gaga over the price. He sat and watched me make butter chicken out of the Indian cook book, went home and said buy one. They have 4 kids and it gets a hammering. We are a family of 2. But it gets used daily.
Bec T: I have been the same for over 12 months! Kept thinking about it saying I’ll do it, then getting scared off by the price and "will I use it?" I ordered mine last week after asking the same question. Guess you wont know how much you needed it or wanted it till you get it and try Good luck.
Valerie F: Yup. I am not a natural cook. The Thermie made so much new stuff possible that our lives have changed for good. We are preservative/colour/boxed up rubbish free since we invested in the Thermie. Totally, absolutely, completely worth the money.
Andrew R: Having a Thermomix is great! You will find that you will cook most meals in it. And, you will eat healthier. I have experimented with new ingredients and Thermie cooks it perfect every time. I get home, have little prep, put dinner on and relax.
Simone B: Yes, agree, it does change your life, you end up doing things differently to ensure you use it! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Marnie P: It changed our life. We all love it. No looking back.
Jennifer H: Best thing I have ever purchased other than my washing machine and fridge. I use my Thermomix 3- 4 times a day and we have saved so much money and time and our health is so much better for it. I loved my Thermomix so much I decided to become a consultant because I just want to share the love with other families.
Pauline R: So worth every penny and you'll love it so you'll find more ways to use it. I did!
Tracey P: Everyday several times a day. Pays itself off quickly and ten times over. It broadens what u cook as well. Best investment I have ever made.
Brenda M: It will be the best money you ever spent & you will wonder how you ever did without it! Just do it!
Linda A: I've had mine nearly 12 months. I hate cooking and cannot cook without having the Thermomix! I have cooked a lot of things that I wouldn't even have tried before the Thermie. I don't use it every day maybe every 2nd or 3rd day, my husband is a big meat eater so we think the slow cooker is better for stews and curries for red meat I cook chicken in the thermie. Even thought I don't use it every day I love it and am so glad I bought it. If you have young children and can afford it don't think twice get it because you will use it and it would be so much healthy for the kids. Good luck
Leanne W: I think the reason you will use it is because of the cost. I too am using ingredients, vegetables and fruits I have never bought before. My main thing I tell people why this is different to any other machine is yes it does come with a cook book like most others, but it’s a great cook book and in colour, plus you have your consultant for backup. Then to top it off is the recipe community which is FREE and has so many recipes. But most of all is getting on a facebook site like ThermoFun and being continually encouraged to use your machine, given ideas and then envious about what someone's made that you try it yourself, as they will tell you where to find the recipe. Happy cooking!
Claire L: best thing EVER! Worth every cent
Cathryn H: I have had mine for a month used it almost every day. Just finished dinner; fresh bread rolls and yummy minestrone soup. Well worth the money.
Letitia C: I've had mine for a week and have been cooking flat chat!! I used to hate being anywhere near the kitchen and trying to think of what to cook. Everything I have cooked this week I have never even tried to attempt before.
Mary M: We both work full time and have a 17yo 6yo, 5yo, 10mo. Best money we ever spent. It gets used at least daily. Often, it gets used 5-6 times a day or more.
Verity C: I have had mine for about 1.5 months and I love it. It has changed our lives! I want a second!
Dale N: We are five months in and I love it. My 4 yo is into it too. I tell her the numbers we need for the weighing, cooking or speed - she is a little pro. I am making things I never contemplated before like puff pastry. I am eager to try more. Have made chutneys and relishes, bread, steaming - wow heaps really, yet to attempt yoghurt but soon. Plus I love the fact that unlike just buying in store, you can go to classes and learn heaps and you have a consultant to chat with. I say go for it take the plunge you wont regret it.
Kylie W: Had ours nearly 2 years, it's part of the family. Realised in January this year when we went away and missed it like nothing else. After 20 months ours has paid for itself in terms of price with savings in the weekly shopping but 10fold from a health perspective. My family eats healthily because of it.
Pina H: Since getting my Thermie, I am cooking so much more. We rarely have take-away now as I am happy to cook now because it is so much easier. Go for it. You won't regret it!
Louise B: I love mine. I have homemade bread rolls in the oven and have just made homemade tomato ketchup. Sausage rolls for dinner. All very quick and easy. My kids love all the dishes I make in my thermo. It is a lot of money but soooo worth every cent.
Jessica M: I've had my Thermie for 6 weeks and use it many times daily.
Melissa T: I got mine last Sunday and have already lost track of what I've cooked in it, used the Varoma for the first time tonight, one word WOW!
Sandy G: I was worried about that too, but we use it every day - usually several times. We love focaccia in our house and used to buy it, but I made one in the Thermomix yesterday with olives and sea salt and it cost less than $1. Usually pay about $4 in the shops. It was so easy and stress free. We'd be lost without our Thermomix.
Kelli T: Hubby and I the same. Lots of soul searching. He thought it would be a fad also. But he surprised me last September. Guess what. Haven't stopped using it! Cook dinner or a side with dinner at least 6 days a week. I use it for herbalife shakes twice a day, make butter, and use for baking and on and on and on I could go. So worth it! I've never made Risotto, too much standing n stirring. But you know what I've made it several since “Mixxy” came into our life. I say go for it!
Sarah O: It was a lust for a long time before it became a reality but came into its own at Xmas time when I made proper black bread from scratch... best husband and his best mate have ever had, ever! I mill my own flours (I am GF so it's a necessity), we eat a lot more 'raw' food. Hubby was sceptical but he has no regrets 3 months in to our journey...
Joy C: I ummed and ahed for months before taking the plunge and I am so glad I did get one. I use it every day for all sorts of things - it's brilliant. I even use it to boil my breakfast egg and it does it perfectly. Can't see myself being without it now.
Rachael M: One of many reasons right now for me, my daughter has struggled a little at school but now things are 'clicking' for her. I can put on a healthy dinner for our family of 5, sit down with her for 15-30 minutes and do homework together... Then viola dinner is ready!!
That and we have a severe gluten intolerance in our house and try to avoid additives etc... I use it 1-6 times a day mainly for breakfast! And lunchboxes... Breads... Milkshake... Quick desserts...
Lesley D: HELLLL YEAH Best money I have ever spent. I eat a lot healthier. Regret only one and that is why weren’t they around when my kids were little. They are now in their forties. I had a second one when I used to be a consultant and lent it to my daughter because she said “what do they do?? as if I had lost my marbles! Well that was 2 yrs ago and she can’t live without it.
Anne S: I shaved ½ an hour off cooking time tonight AND Mushroom Risotto was on the menu... Thermomix an extra pair of hands in your kitchen.
Gai F: Use mine every day, and I am a newbie too, have had one for a month, LOVE IT!
Amanda S: Love mine...would replace it tomorrow if needed. We have friends over so much more as its easy and fun to entertain. I love cooking and the TM has only added to that. Use it at least 2-3 times/day.
Briana H: Find a home on the bench you will use it!
Hannah S: You need a Thermomix!!!!! I purchased my Thermomix 12 months ago this month! I use it every day and have noticed the difference in my diet. I have more energy and feel so much healthier as I'm not having any preservatives and numbers etc. I have also saved money as I buy less from the supermarkets. I make my own Gluten Free bread, Pizza, cakes, sauces, pasts, veggie stock, and the list can go on and on. It’s definitely worth the price as I am saving more than $40 a week. We don't need to go out as much as the food is like Restaurant style. You won't regret getting one!! Since earning one, I've become a consultant because everyone needs to know how good this Thermomix is! I love showing and teaching people how easy it is to be healthy and save money!
Kim W: Absolutely the best investment we have made! It comes away with us too as I can't bear to be without it!
Donna G: Love my Thermie. In fact, at my demo, it was my hubby who was so impressed that he said to buy it there and then - I had been planning on some serious crawling!!
Kiddos love to use it as well and all have their favourite recipes. Love it for everything from bread to coffee, from custards to steamed veggies and everything in between. I am also about to look at the non-food recipes which will be an even better benefit.
Well worth every cent and more! I would buy it again in a heartbeat.
Sarah M: Get yourself in the habit of using it by doing a 14 day challenge like suggested above. 2.5 years ago I bought mine and I break into a cold sweat at the thought of something happening to it or it getting stolen!! After I bought mine I went to the cooking classes Thermomix consultants run to get more tips and ideas.
Karen M: I was dragged kicking and screaming into the world of being a Thermomix owner......I swore as I was 56 I would NEVER EVER be able to retrain myself in the way I cooked and I wouldn’t use it. I relented with some of my inheritance money from my Dads estate and bought one being worried about my initial concerns as I unpacked it and went through the cookbook. THEN I amazed myself in my discovery of this timesaving Godsend to my kitchen. I had to go away recently to care for my youngest daughter after spinal surgery ....I packed my Thermomix and all the gear and cookbooks .....utmost priority and my clothes were packed around it ( less important ) and off I went and cooked some home comfort foods for my healing daughter ..............this is how it changed things......I took it with me !! No longer do you buy icing sugar cos you make your own, same said for curry pastes, stocks, spice mixes, seasoning ...you make your own....the cost saving in all that alone is tremendous. We save a great deal cos we no longer buy ice cream.... instead we use fruit and eggwhite, a smidge of sugar and make FRUITY DREAM .......another huge saving .....we make butter, we use the buttermilk in cooking, we make yoghurt, sauces, jams and chutneys........ the butter chicken is to die for as is the stroganoff, risottos, the meatloaf with mushroom sauce, miso chicken, rice pudding etc etc. You will eat with near on zero food additives....your pantry will be better organised as will your freezer. There will be less waste...there will be less pre-packaged purchases....you will constantly amaze yourself on how quick everything is and how keen you are to get it going every hour of the day.... it WILL pay for itself in the blink of an eye, it will give you an enthusiasm for cooking you never imagined in your wildest dreams, it WILL impress your family and friends not by the purchase of it, but by the food you can now cook. It can make a non cook into a restaurant quality chef............... and all this from an older lady who thought she would never get one and wouldn’t ever use it ......GO FOR IT !!!
If you have something to add to this then please let us know we are more than happy to add it to the list. :)
On the 24th January, 2016, an article was in the UK Daily Mail about my own Thermomix story Click Here
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